Monday, April 1, 2013


If you know me pretty well, you know I'm not a big fan of change. I like my routines. I like the people I see on a daily basis. I like predictability. It's safe. It's comfortable.

Thing is though, life is full of changes. Some changes you carefully plan for, others happen out of the blue. If we didn't have any changes in our life, most of us would consider it a boring life.  But as much as we know cognitively that change is good, emotionally it is scary and sad. It usually means saying goodbye.

Goodbyes are tough. New hellos are tough too.

I feel like for the past couple of years, I've been in a state of interim in school, work, personal life, etc.  I say a lot of "goodbyes" without very many permanent "hellos" if that makes sense. On the flip side, I've also experienced a lot of personal growth these past couple of years and I've learned a lot.

One thing I've learned is that life is never going to be predictable. There are going to be twists and turns along the way but that's because God's in control. Not me. And when I think about it, it feels a lot better to have it in God's hands instead of mine.

So here's to uncertainty. Here's to trusting. Here's to knowing that God's got something much bigger planned than what I could ever plan.

Here's to enjoying the ride.

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