Tuesday, September 24, 2013


So I overanalyze most things. It's a problem. Not just overanalyze I also over think things. For example, if you normally text me with smiley faces and emojis and then one day you don't, I might think to myself..."Oh no! I wonder if I did something? Are they mad at me?" and of course 9 times out of 10 they just typed something to me quickly and meant nothing by it. 

I tell you this because I've been doing it a lot lately with Tyler's birthday coming up on Saturday. I have not really discussed my grieving process on this blog mainly because my grief was so intensely personal and private to me. And that's ok. And I've grieved for my brother and if you consider losing my brother like a wound, I feel as though I have enough scar tissue that it doesn't hurt as bad anymore. I consider that healing taking place. 

These past few days when I have talked to family members they say that Saturday (Tyler's birthday) will be hard. So of course I start overanalyzing and think, "Man, I'm not feeling super sad. I was looking forward to going out to the cemetery and spending the day with family. Should I be sadder? What's wrong with me?" So on and so forth. 

And in these moments, I have to step back and remind myself of the truths I know. I know I miss my brother incredibly much. I know that I have random sad days and just because I'm not sad on his birthday does not make me a bad sister or love him any less. I know that he wouldn't want me to be sad. I know that he's in a place where there is no more sadness, brokenness, or hurting. And I also know that my journey is different than everyone else's. I know that my grief is different than theirs and I cannot overanalyze or over think it. I need to trust the process. And most importantly, I know that I'm healing and growing and I couldn't ask for more. 

So if you yourself are grieving or know someone that is, I encourage not to compare and not to over think it. Just be supportive. Love them where they're at in their journey, and trust that the Lord is healing their heart the way it needs to be healed for them uniquely. Most importantly, have faith in the journey. Because everyone's is different. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I apologize for my hermit status. I started a second job that takes up a lot of brain cells and energy. And I'm attempting to give myself some grace to adjust to it. Because it takes a lot more energy expecting to do it all and be perfect at the same time than it does to take a deep breath step back and give myself time to adjust. I learned that the hard way.

So now, I'm sitting outside on this beautiful fall day and fingers aren't typing out want my brain wants to say. And instead of fretting about it I'm going to let it go and soak up the rest of the day before I have to get ready for work. Hopefully I'll have a real post soon but for now, quotes will have to suffice. :)