Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Because I like hopping onto the bandwagon with cute ideas, I started doing the thankful project this week. Basically, every day you post on some social media what you are thankful for until Thanksgiving.
I'm posting on twitter what I'm thankful for. Here are my tweets so far (I started a few days late):

Thankful for: the 20 year friendship I shared with my brother. Miss him like crazy every single day but I know he's up in heaven watching over us! 
Thankful for: being able to live in a country where I'm able to let my voice be heard. praying for our country & the future leaders tonight!
Thankful for: my bffl  who is has been more like a sister through the good times and the bad! Loves ya girl!
Thankful for: my parents who have loved me unconditionally and have put up with me for the past two years so i wont be broke and in debt.

I think it is so nice to take a second every day and think about what you're thankful for. The first day I sat down to think about what I was thankful for, I didn't even know where to start. I have so many things to be thankful for. It was really humbling. I think as a society we hyper focus on the bad and take for granted the good. I have really big things to be thankful for like my family but then there are the little things that I'm thankful for too like having a little bit of money left on my Starbucks gift card or that the sun is shining. 

Even if you are that person who is way too cool to hop on the bandwagon, I encourage you to take a second every day to be thankful. You don't have to post about it, just think about it. It's surprising how many things you can think of. It's certainly helping me to focus more on the positive things rather than the negative. Positivity can make any day a little brighter. 

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