Monday, May 20, 2013


So life has been pretty good lately. I have a job but I have to wait for my license so I'm basically on summer vacation. My bffl is moving back soon. It's my mom's birthday (Go wish her a very happy birthday!!) I could go on but simply I've been breathing easy. Finally taking a deep breath.

Then I went to church on Sunday and the message was "Living proof He is the King of Peace". You can check it out here. But warning! Have your tissues ready. I cried my eyes out. It is message about despite what happens, God loves you and can give you peace.

Growing up I had the idea that if you're a good person and do what you're supposed to do, nothing bad will happen to  you. And if something "bad" happened, I would look back and wonder well I guess it was because I did something bad.

I've learned over the past two years and was reminded again on Sunday, bad things happen to good people. Life can be tough. You can do the absolute best you can (and that's probably a good idea anyways) but life can still knock you down. And it's inexplicable. And out of the blue. And just plain hard.  But like Robert Frost says, Life goes on.

And like I said in my rainy day post, sad days are absolutely ok. So is enjoying the happy days (and the days that feel like summer vacation).

We are all going to experience the worst days of our lives. And not in the "Got a flat tire in the rain. WORST DAY EVER" sense. Literally the day when your heart breaks into a million pieces. Some of us may have more than one. Things won't go according to your plan. But in those days, know that the Creator of the universe loves you so incredibly much. And He can bring you peace. The restorative healing kind of peace. And there is wonderful Joy ahead.

Man. That post was a downer. But I just had to share the sermon. Next post will be more upbeat. I promise!

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