Monday, September 29, 2014

Donuts &Swiss Cheese

For those of you who know me (or read my blog) know that I love a good metaphor. I use them a lot in counseling because sometimes it helps makes ideas more tangible.  One I especially enjoy, I learned from Dr. Landreth who encourages parents to "focus on the donut, not the hole!". Basically, don't hyper focus on what you have missing in your life so much so that you forget what you do have.

Sometimes, life feels less like a donut and more like swiss cheese. There are a lot of holes and things missing or that you wish were different in life. Because unfortunately sometimes life can be hard and it can seem overwhelming.

But what do we know about donuts and swiss cheese?
1. They are delicious.
2. Just because they have holes doesn't mean that they are damaged or aren't worth eating.
3. Did I mention they are delicious? Just maybe not together.

So in your pursuit of growth and self discovery, don't get so busy focusing on what's missing in life that you forget to see how valuable you are, just as you are. The Lord all made us beautifully unique. Those strengths and qualities that you have already are what hold you together. We can focus on those positive qualities and strengths in order for the holes or what we want to improve to seem less daunting.

Whether your life feels like a donut or more like swiss cheese, don't get so caught up focusing on what's missing that you don't see the good stuff right in front of you. Just like you wouldn't pass up a donut or swiss cheese because it has a hole, don't pass on yourself. Now, go carpe that diem.

(Sorry if I made you hungry because I am just writing this.)

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