Monday, October 29, 2012

"When You Stop Growing, You Start Dying"

"When you stop growing, you start dying"-that is one of my favorite things Grandad has ever said to me. We are constantly growing, changing, and learning. I think it is easy for our growth to sneak up on us. Most of our growth and change are little things that happen very slowly. Because of my work, I have the privilege of experiencing others' growth and change. Over a few sessions, I see my clients taking steps toward their goals and growth. It is absolutely one of my favorite things to watch. I got to experience that today as well. One of my brother's friends is back from his mission to Costa Rica and he invited us to his church where he spoke about his trip. As he was up there speaking, I was amazed at the growth I saw. I hadn't seen him in two years so his growth was so evident. I could really tell the time spent there was a time of maturity, where he strengthened his faith and shared his faith.

Growth can be so deceptive. We can go through life just thinking it's another boring Monday but then a few years pass and you realize you aren't the same person you were three years ago.The other day I was going through old cards and letter and I found a letter I had written to myself when I was 15 years old. As I was reading (and laughing) it was evident to me how much I've grown in nine years. I'm not the same girl who was timid and adjusting to high school consumed with the dramas of a fifteen year old.  I've also always been one to journal (which I highly recommend by the way-it's good for the soul) I looked back at posts from a few years ago and I remembered where I was at that point in my life and what lessons I was learning at the time. It can be a huge eye opener.

Each experience that we have in life whether big or small helps our growth. We figure out who we want to be, what we want to stand for, and what direction we want to go. I think the trick is just being aware and conscious of our growth and the person we're becoming. Feed your soul. Grow and become something. Never stop striving. Just make sure you like the person you're becoming.

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