Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We are young.

So, I've started going to this new church with Blair on Tuesday nights. It's in Dallas and it is where two thousand twenty somethings from all the metroplex gather. It's really neat. Anyways, since I just started going I got the tail end of the series they have been going through. From what I can tell, it has been focused on people my age and their convictions and characteristics and challenging some of them.

Last night was the last night for the series. It mainly circled around the fact that we are young adults and what that means and how now is the perfect time to make a difference for ourselves and for others. It was really awesome. If you want to check out the podcasts they are right here. I highly recommend it.

As any good message should, it really got my wheels turning last night. He said a few things that really stuck out to me. The first one was "You'll never have more time than you do now." At first I was thinking, "Is that a joke?!".  I have internship, friends, family, me-time, school, etc to worry about!! But I thought of it more and thought of the phrase, "Right now, you're as old as you'll ever be and as young as you'll ever be." Time is slipping by y'all. Life is short. Right now we are in the prime of our lives. We are old enough to live out our dreams but still young enough to have the energy to do so.

He also made a point last night that at almost every historical revolution or great awakening, right in the center are young adults passionate about their cause. It really made me evaluate my life and the direction it is going. I think it is easy for us in this time in our lives to get wrapped up in "figuring things out" or just talking about things saying "Someday I'll do that." The thing is though during this time life happens. We get busy and that "someday" we talked about will never happen.

Like I said, it really helped me think about what I've been living passionately for and what kind of a difference I wanted to make on this world. Just something to think about.

What are you passionate about? Go do it!

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