Sunday, September 2, 2012

Spreading Cheer

I just started my internship and on Saturdays I have to work from 9-3. And of course as Saturday morning rolled around yesterday I was just a tad bit grumpy that I had to go into work on a Saturday. Crazy I know. As I strolled in yesterday morning coffee in hand the receptionist that works on the weekend said "Well hi Miss Courtney!!! I'm so glad to see you! I see you have a coffee but I have a fresh pot of coffee brewing if you want a cup"

Almost immediately it brought a smile to my face. First of all, he remembered my name even though I've only met him once. Second of all, he was so warm, kind, and genuinely pleased to see me. Third of all, he had coffee going.  How could that not make me smile?!

I admire this man so much. He spends his evenings and weekends working there even though he his retired. From my desk I can hear him greeting each client and their parents by name asking how everything is going and when they leave saying "God bless" on the way out. This man could be laying on a beach somewhere just watching the waves roll in and taking some time for himself. Instead, he spends his time giving to others.

From time to time, I think or hear people say "What's this world coming to?" "Are there any good people left?" "This isn't how people used to treat each other." And that just puts responsibility on other people and not on ourselves.

You don't need money, or the means to go to a third world country, or even need to buy a pair of Toms. All of those things are wonderful to do for this planet and serves a lot of people. Sometimes, we think so big that we forget all the little things we can do to bring good to people around us. A smile, a greeting, a small gesture, a conversation to get to know someone, volunteering our time to those around us, all of these things can bring a little light into somebody's life.

That man yesterday completely turned my day around by that greeting. I could have been sulky all day but instead I was a little happier and didn't mind Saturday so much. Never forget how much good you can do by just doing little things. Little things eventually add up to big things.

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