Friday, September 7, 2012

Life Lessons from Some of my Favorite People

I don't know about y'all but I'm so glad it's Friday! Today for my post I thought I would change it up and do something a little different.

When I was a sophomore in high school I was in health class and for an assignment we had to choose five people close to us to write us a letter and seal it in a envelope and the teacher would mail it to us in five years.  I also had to write a letter to myself. Such an awesome assignment. Sure enough, a few years later I got the letters. I was rereading them the other day and was reminded of how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many people who love me and support me and are full of wisdom. I was also reminded how ridiculous I was at 15. My letter to myself didn't even make sense. Figures. I guess I thought it was important at the time.

I thought today I would share some of the wisdom they told me in their letters (with their permission of course). 

First is from my daddy.

"As you begin to make your way on your own, never forget who you are at the core of your being, and don't let anyone change that. Be confident in yourself. Be bold, let people get close to you. And don't be afraid to take risks because if you never take chances, you never win big!" 

Next is from Emily who wasn't sure if we would still be in touch. HA. 
"I will always be here for you with open ears, an open heart, a shoulder to lend for tears, and a big hug and anything else you ever need! Smile! Ps-so yea, it being 5 years or so, I may not have heard your voice in a while so call!"

Next is from my Nana.
"Just remember how special you are and that you can accomplish anything you set your mind upon. Always believe in yourself, but be sure to put God first in everything. He will never fail you. My advice to you is to talk to God daily and ask him to direct you."

Next is from my mommy. (Yea, I still call her mommy.)
"Keep your goals in focus set them high, but not too high. Believe in yourself. It's amazing what a smile on your face and a little lipstick will do. Talk to God often and keep Him close. Keep in touch with the people who love you. Be neat and organized. Don't procrastinate. Talk to people and be friendly. Let people get close to you. And most of all, know how very much your mother loves you!"

The final letter was from Grandad. It's very rare for us to get a written note from him so I cherish this one so much.

"I can give you advice, but that would assume I have wisdom. As for wisdom, here are some of the things I've learned from living a long time:
      You never finish (or at least you shouldn't) your education. When you stop growing, you start dying. Get all the formal education you can. 
      Read! Both fiction and non fiction-great mental exercise.
      Cultivate a hobby you enjoy that will keep you mentally and physically in good shape.
      Whenever trouble arises, and it will, remember you are loved both by your family and the Lord.
     Cultivate a habit of prayer, which is a conversation with your friend and savior. Isn't is remarkable that the Creator of the universe will listen!"

That last line is my favorite. Some of these, I have accomplished but some I need to re-focus on. Probably the procrastination one especially since I'm procrastinating now by writing this. Sorry mommy. 

I am a very blessed girl. This is just some of the family and friends that I'm surrounded by on a daily basis who support me. I love each and every one of you so much. Thank you for everything you've done and have yet to do! 

Go have a fabulous weekend! 

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