Thursday, May 29, 2014

Love yourself more.

A couple of posts ago, I discussed my process in being joyful in every season of life even when I'm ready for that season to be over.

So I'm still on that journey in finding contentment and joy no matter what life throws at you. Even if life is turning out way different than you thought/planned it would. What I've learned on this journey is that being content/joyful in all circumstances also means loving and respecting yourself flaws and all.  It's pretty hard to find contentment when you are drained and not taking care of yourself. It's easy to forget that healthy self worth is so much more than just knowing that it's on the inside that counts.

Self worth is:

1. Knowing what unique wonderful qualities you have that are all your own and utilizing them every day.

2. Knowing to say no to things you don't want to do and don't have to do. Your time is precious and using your free time to do things that make you happy isn't selfish.

3.  Drawing boundaries. You're worth it to not let people walk all over you.

4. Not settling. Knowing what you you have earned and what you deserve.

5. Despite your flaws, you are still worthy of love. Knowing the Lord loves me unconditionally helps a bad day feel better.

6. Going after your goals. Carpe that diem.

7. Taking care of yourself. I've written multiple posts on self care so I'm not going to hop on that soapbox.

8. Reaching out for people. Who is that person in life you can turn to no matter what?

9. I'm tired of lists. You catch my drift.

Self worth is so much more than knowing that you are beautiful inside and out (which you are-don't ever forget it!). I truly believe having a strong sense of who you are and what you bring to the table can help you find contentment in all of life's circumstances. Here's to loving ourselves more. Who's with me?!

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