Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The day after I post about being unoriginal, inspiration hits. Figures.

So randomly I have been talking about myself a lot lately. Which is something I'm not really used to.
The first instance where I'm having to talk about myself is interviewing for jobs. (Prayers/good thoughts are much appreciated!) It never fails that the first thing the interviewer asks is "Tell me about yourself." I of course I have the whole spill down but when you stop to think about it, there are so many things that make me, me. And I could spend all day telling you different components of my story that makes me who I am and why I want to pursue counseling. But aint no interviewer got time fo dat. So instead I shorten it. Hit the highlights.

I have also started a community group through my church and we have been spending time each week telling our stories and I told mine a couple of weeks ago. Let me tell you, it's not easy trying to summarize your life from birth to present. My family, friends, pets, relationships, the good times, hard times, lessons learned. It wasn't easy. But it really allowed me to take a second and evaluate my life and realize what makes me who I am.

Have you ever stopped and thought about your story? Who are the main characters? How did you grow up? What experiences made you grow? What have been the good times? How did that friendship/relationship affect you?

I truly believe God made us beautifully unique. Each one of us has a unique story with unique characters and experiences. I encourage you to take a moment and think about your story. I have a feeling there might be some surprises about what is remembered.

Your story makes you who you are. What do you want to do with your story? Share it? Change it? Start a new chapter? Resolve a conflict? It's yours.

And don't forget, there's never going to be another one like it. And that's pretty cool.

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