I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! Mine was good, much easier than last year. Holidays are always difficult for my family and especially christmastime since Tyler loved it so much. Fortunately for me, I am surrounded by wonderful friends and family. It's hard to be sad when surrounded by so much love.
But now Christmas is over and my family and I took the fifth wheel down to Galveston for some R&R. I'm currently blogging on an IPad, listening to the ocean, and drinking some wine.
Emily and I always talk about things that are good for our souls. This my friends, is good for my soul. How do I know something is good for my soul?
For me, something is good for my soul when I find myself taking deep breaths that fill my lungs entirely. And without thinking about it. When I close my eyes and feel at complete peace. When I don't have to quiet my mind because it's already quiet. When taking a stroll down the beach fills me with joy.
The beach,any beach, is good for my soul. It's my happy place. I needed this after the whirlwind of graduation, the panic of getting all my client hours, and the nerves of Christmas.
I hope everyone knows things that are good for their souls. Everyone is different. For Emily, being in a bookstore browsing books and drinking coffee is hers. Find something that fills your lungs completely and you find joy stirring in your belly. It's the best.
Love you and love walking on the beach with my girls and the monster man!