Part of the reason I started this blog is to share about how I'm following my brother's advice and living life to the fullest. Lately though, I haven't had any grand adventures. To quote Up! I know all of life is a grand adventure but I feel lately like I haven't done anything exciting.
The other day, Grandad talked about how he wanted to go hunting. I thought about it and I decided it was something I wanted to try. Now, maybe it was a way for me to feel connected to Tyler since hunting was one of his favorite things to do, maybe it was because I wanted to make him proud. Part of me wanted to try something new and another part of me wanted to see if I could do it. Nevertheless I announced to all of my family members that are hunters that I, Courtney Elise Johnson, wanted to learn how to shoot a rifle and go hunting.
As expected, my dad didn't believe me. He knows his daughter is an absolute girly girl and an animal lover. So when I was begging him to take me to the rifle range, my parents asked me "What changed?". I had to think about it. But then all those reasons I mentioned earlier came to me. Reluctantly my dad told me he would take me but if I shot anything I would have to clean it. (We'll see about that) He agreed to take me to the rifle range and taught me how to shoot. It scared the crap out of me. I had no idea rifles were so big and loud. The first time I shot it, I was shaking like a leaf but then I got more comfortable and finally relaxed.
After I sighted the rifle in, I got a couple of bulls eyes. Plus a really nasty bruise on my shoulder. I was ready to go. I felt confident. It was an "I am woman hear me roar" type of moment. I was ready to hunt.
Grandad took me down to my great uncle's ranch last night to go hunting. It was so wonderful to be back there. It is absolutely relaxing and peaceful. It was Tyler's favorite place. As we were walking out to the blind, I just felt so empowered. I had a rifle on my shoulder and knew how to use it. I felt like if there was a zombie apocalypse, I would be ready to defend myself. (These are the thoughts running through my head). We sat in the blind last night and early this morning. We didn't see anything to shoot. I was disappointed but I was proud of myself for going and knowing what I was doing. I loved learning something new and going out and trying it. I'm hoping to go back out in a couple of weekends to try my luck again. I accomplished everything I wanted to do. I felt connected to Tyler, I feel like he would've been proud of me, I tried something new, and I know I can do it. Plus I got to watch this wonderful sunrise and spend some quality time with family. What more could I ask for?!
I encourage you to go try something new. Step out of your comfort zone. You CAN do it!
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